Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pencil Dick

Dear Roommate,

Why do you have so many pens, pencils, and markers? Where do you get them from? Do you have a secret job at Office Depot? This is really starting to annoy me!!


Anonymous said...

i could actually use some of those pens since i have 2 pens that i use...from last year haha hook me up!

Anonymous said...

well, at least they're organized...

Anonymous said...

oh siiiickk...those are those pencils that TWIST in the front...

Anonymous said...

Thats really not too bad compared to some other shit on this site...maybe you're a little harsh on the guy/gal

gambit32 said...

Is it wrong of me to be proud that he organizes them in the same containers I do? The tops of 50-count CD/DVD spindles.

Anonymous said...

Lamest roommate complaint ever. This doesn't affect you in any way.

Anonymous said...

Damn, that's where all my pens and pencils went!

Anonymous said...

This guy should be grateful that his worst complaint is having too many pencils.

Anonymous said...

lame complain

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