Monday, November 5, 2007

A Crabby Dick

Dear Roommate,

Just to make sure I got this straight. You had a hooker over, had sex on our futon, BROKE IT, and now you refuse to pay for a new one. No, I was not planning to get rid of it anyway! But thank you for fighting the good fight and buying crab shampoo. How can I thank you enough? You’re a dick.


Anonymous said...

crabby patty

Anonymous said...

Dude, your roommate had a good night. Nothing like a hooker to make a day brighter.

Anonymous said...

Stop bitchin and get her digits bro

Anonymous said...

Crabs from a hooker? -- Never.

Anonymous said...

I think the best thing is that he refuses to pay. What a shit! If you break it, you buy it -- #1 rule of roommates.

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