Just because you paid $70 bucks for this DOESN'T make it Art. I get it, you like smoking weed, now put it back in the closet!
Besides, this nice bong doesn't make up for your small dick.
- Tom
Dishes left in the sink? Food eaten without permission? Toilets not being flushed? Bitch about it here...
Posted by
11:31 PM
I have a roommate just like this!
So what? My roommates let me show my heady glass as art, cause it is. Just functioning art. I have a feeling you should hit that bong, and calm down.
I rekon u should shove it up your hole and then drink a cranberry spliff
lol, look at these losers defending the bong. Typical pothead behaviour. Low IQ.
Potheads have no intelligence except for being unemployed.
Really? No intelligence? I'm in graduate school for physics, and enjoy a bongload pretty often.
Bongs are not art, if you have to put it away before your parents come over for a visit then it should always be put away, pot heads are dumb, all they talk about is weed and everything related.
I agree that putting your glass away when you're not using it is the right thing to do out of respect. But to comment here saying that potsmokers have a low IQ, are ignorant and unintelligent is completely ignorant in itself. You sound just like all of the propagnda the government fed you for over a hundred years. You only heard what your parents told you not to do. Like sheep you just obeyed. You never did any research. Smoking pot doesnt make you stupid, stupid people smoking pot is stupid. You may have tried it and you may not have liked it. Its not for everyone, so dont bash on it just because you're a cornfed goody two shoes that doesnt dare oppose your government. Plenty of successful people smoke marijuana and a lot more failures drink alcohol (which is totally legal and %100 worse for you.)
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