Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Cowboy Dick

Dear Roommate,

Three questions:
1. Why do I have to walk in on this?
2. What kind of sick fantasy were you acting out?
3. Where did you get those clothes?


Anonymous said...

Sweet Jesus, there's a stripper pole in your house!

Anonymous said...

that chick must be AWYFULLY DRUNK!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

totally fake there is no way tubby could score that without... well there's just no way no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right. You interrupted them and they kept the pose while you picked your camera and they smiled for the picture.

May said...

thats so funny

Anonymous said...

DUDE. You have a Busch mirror on your wall and blue cowboy boots displayed like art. Looks like those friends fit you to a Tee.

Anonymous said...

Why, I do believe they were re-enacting Olivia Newton John's video for "Physical".

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