I'm sick of you leaving your shit all over the place, and not paying me back when I pay your electric bill. And drinking my beer. And hitting on my girlfriend when you're drunk. I've had enough. I'm taking a stand. This site is dedicated to you and the millions of other dick roommates around the world.
If you're upset that your roommate outed you as a dick and want the post taken down, email me at myroommateisadick@gmail.com and I'll take it down. But you're still a dick roommate.
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1) this is not the same kid falling in both instances
2) I saw the second one where he falls in the kitchen online at least a year ago.
This is ripped off from WWW.ebaumsworld.com
is it really ripping off? its the internet... nothing is anybodies..
that will hurt. i lol'ed
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