Monday, October 1, 2007

Small Island, Big Tolerance

Dear Roommate,

Stop trying to regulate my beer drinking. I'm not a seventeen year old girl. 4 beers is nothing to a 6'1" Hawaiian.


Anonymous said...

Why Hawaiian?

Anonymous said...

I think he's saying you have the same taste in beer as a 17 year old girl. I mean who would walk around with a beer that says cherry wheat on it? And Bud Light? Are you watching your figure? Why not just wash it down with a Zima with a Starburst in it? I miss Zima.

Anonymous said...

you know who the real dicks are... everyone who has left a comment so far on this.

Anonymous said...

I think we know have enough dicks here to form a club

Nonya Bidness said...

oh my gosh, are they mormons or something?

Anonymous said...

I wish people would say if they're male or female when they post. I'd love a Hawaiian lady after 4 beers, but if you're a guy, who cares. 4 beers is nothing. Start smokin' crack and give your roommate something to really complain about.

Anonymous said...

If you're drinking cherry wheat beer, your drinking absolutely does need to be regulated.

Anonymous said...

Drinkers are usually the dicks. They have no idea how obnoxious they become once they have had a few.

You can usually tell by how they brag about how high their "tolerance" (or lack thereof)is, and how they know they aren't drunk.

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