Thursday, November 1, 2007


Dear Roommate,

I thought finding this in the shower this morning was funny until I saw the hole you cut. I'll be at the Motel 6 until our lease is up. You can keep my shower supplies.


Anonymous said...

What'cha gonna do when I run wild on you for having this gay shower cutout in our bathroom?

Anonymous said...

If I have to hear "Socko is not just a drink, it's a life style" one more time...

Anonymous said...

If I turn the water on -- think he'll melt. Nice prank, Dick. What, are you still in the 6th grade?

Anonymous said...

Hey Dick, for the last time, I don't want to hulk your mania in the shower, brother!

Joe said...

Yeah, you guys keep laughing but wait until the Hulkstorm wants to take a shower at your place

Anonymous said...

id tap that

Anonymous said...

What? I see nothing wrong with this.

Anonymous said...

Dear Postsecrets,

I jerk off in shower
With Hulk Hogan

I never feel more like a man

Anonymous said...

Dude, I thought finding this in the shower this morning was funny until I saw the hole you cut. I'll be at the Motel 6 until our lease is up. You can keep my shower supplies.

jollyman187 said...

Dear Roommate,

You have a blonde mullet and you constantly wear spandex shorts with a partially torn t-shirt. Ok we get LOVE the Hulkster. But I have to put my foot down about the life size cardboard cut-out. Next time you walk in on my girlfriend and I "running wild"...I'd appreciate if you'd leave instead of asking us if we'd like to take you two on in a tag team match in our bathroom.

ps- constantly taking him to your room for an after match celebration is starting to raise some questions amongst our guests.

thanks and you're a dick

Anonymous said...

When I refused to call you the nature boy, this was not what I expected

Robin said...

Taking a shower with Hulk hogan wouldn't be a bad time, I'm sure! But what the hell are you doing in my shower with this cut out??? I'm serious! Weird man! Try a little warm flesh,you might just like it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jabronie,

I have the decency to keep my masterbatory accessories out of sight in my room. I realize it's easier to clean yourself up afterward because you are already in the bathroom, but c'mon.

Stop your smackdown.

Anonymous said...

a friend of a friend left a cardboard cutout of Tim Allen on the train tracks once and it caused a major incident. i wonder if it's the same dude.

TechoViking said...

That cutout is awesome... Lose the dick roommate and keep the Hulkster..

Anonymous said...

wtf?! i dont see an f'n hole.

Anonymous said...

where is the hole?

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