Thursday, November 8, 2007

An Un-Environmental Dick

Dear Roommates,

Is it that hard to turn off the light in kitchen when you go to sleep, or the TV for that matter. Do you really need to set the A/C to 61 degrees? I spend 98% of my time at my girlfriend's apartment and almost never sleep here, yet the utility bill is $380.40! I stopped by the apartment when you were all gone for the weekend and every light was on, the TV was still on and the A/C was freezing.


Anonymous said...

HAHA How I don't miss GRU bills! Not to mention your roomate being a twat! GRU does price gouge so watch those guys ;)

Anonymous said...

my roommate does the same thing. he has a personal air conditioner in his room. even when it's 68 degress in the house naturally, he will STILL crank his friggin room a/c, and bundle up in a bunch of clothes. disgusting.

Anonymous said...

if you've been at your gf's 98% of the time, then just pay 2% of the bill and have him pay the rest...

Anonymous said...

Spend 100% of the time at the girlfriends, stop paying the bill, and let the problem fix itself. Win-win!

Anonymous said...

ha well what i love best about this bill is the fact that they have a 47 cent outstanding balance

Anonymous said...

move in with your girlfriend, duh.

Anonymous said...

Bust in the bathroom while he's takin a shit dressed like an eskimo and smash him in the head with a sack of ice and say "Homie don't play that"

Anonymous said...

"Homie don't play that!" LOL

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this isn't winning Dick of the Week.

Anonymous said...

That is just WRONG! I'd be making plans to exit that place! How old is this idiot? 2,4,maybe 7? Even my youngest will turn the lights out when he leaves a room! You need to have a serious house meeting,SOON,very Soon! Your electric bill will be $1,000 when cold weather really hits!
Good luck man! You are gonna need it!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I vote your roommate "Dick Head of The Year!"....You need to show him this page,and let him see how everyone agrees with you on this...It might just give the
s-l-o-w minded a*s a hint!!!

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