Monday, January 21, 2008


Dear Roommate, 

You love video games, I get it. This is a little ridiculous, though. Can you please explain why we're home to the "video game museum." I mean, really? What the F*ck is a Dreamcast? Its bad enough having a veritable jungle of wires and consoles scattered across our apartment, but HALF OF 'EM DON'T EVEN WORK. How do I know? I hear you "blowing" in the nintendo cartridges and watch you hit reset a thousand times on every cd based system. You wanna know the worst part -- and it's not telling girls "there not mine" like it's some sort of dirty porn -- it's watching my parents eyes drift to the mountain of video games as I explain that I may be flunking accounting. Long story short, they no longer pay for my tutor ( they think the money is going somewhere else). 

PS. I'm using this same photo to post all your shit on e-bay. Thanks for paying for my tutor.


Anonymous said...

Wait? It's his fault you're flunking accounting because he likes video games? I think I see some displacement here.

Anonymous said...

Dreamcast > You

Anonymous said...

and another thing, when your roommate finds out you sold his shit on ebay, prepare for more problems than, oh i don't have a tutor, ya might end up with some missing teeth. this post is full of fail. at least he's not shuffling crackheads through the house, it's video games ya damn bastid

Anonymous said...

it doesn't even look bad, the controllers are rolled up and everything.

Anonymous said...

who flunks accounting? and what kind of school do you go to where you have to pay for a tutor? they usually provide that kind of help at universities.

Anonymous said...

why couldn't you tell them that the games belong to your roommate? and yeah, who flunks accounting? i sure wouldn't want you as my accountant.

Anonymous said...

Wow man, you're pathetic. If the games are all over the place, ask that he consolidate them somewhere. Why can't you just tell your parents that they're not yours you spineless twit. Flunking accounting + needless tutor = sad person. Guy sells my games, guy gets put underground.

Anonymous said...

the poster sucks at life.

Anonymous said...

I understand that parents are idiots and I have personally had problems with them making false assumptions, BUT, how do you fail accounting?? I hope your roommate doesn't own a gun when he finds out that you illegally sold his stuff. It doesn't even look bad, it's all in the one spot and the controllers are neat. Grow some balls and pass your own damn class.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD...this has caused me to relive the traumatic moment in my life when my dad and brother threw out my nintendo! AAANNNDD my game with 190 different games on it. It was all i needed.. im so angry.

Chris said...

This went well.

Anonymous said...

One time my dad said he had the right to break my Wii that I payed for because it was "in his house."

My natural response was keeping a knife in my room until I moved out.

Anonymous said...

The fact that you are flunking accounting is your own stupid fault, and not someones video game collections fault. If that is your only argument, then that is WEAK!!

Furthermore, I would slit your throat if you sold anything of mine.

Happy Hunting.

Anonymous said...

Lemme get this straight, cuz I'm just a little confused.
1.) You're on the internet bashing retro gaming?
2.) You don;t know what a dreamcast is?
3.) You're going to ebay your roommates belongings because you don't have to balls to tell your parents "I'm failing accounting because I don't know how to take responsibility for my life" instead you decide to blame your room-mates gaming collection which you openly admit doesn't work... because it's a distraction? So... you just look at the ineffective cartridges to games you don't know from eras you don't understand and... what... touch yourself?
Let me make this perfectly clear for you: It's illegal to auction your roommates things without his permission. If you go before a judge saying 'well, I needed a tutor' they will laugh at you and send you away with a bill.
2.) The Sony Dreamcast was the first console with internet connect-ability. It was released, I dunno, about 6 months before the PS2 and there were people like myself who were ready for the console revolution it promised that lead to the joys of current day gaming because *SURPRISE* there were consoles before your fucking xbox.
most importantly this is the internet. The sheer volume of retro gamers who worship the original consoles (Atari, Nintendo famicon, omg the Commodore, the N64, the original gameboy, the original playstation) is overwhelming. Some of us still play retarded games (like pokemon snap) because we remember how amazing they were at the time.
I guess what I'm trying to say is man up. If you want to blame someone for mommy and daddy pulling your credit card, blame yourself. I refuse to believe there are no readily available free tutors on campus. If your only complaint about your roommate is his console collection, maybe you should READ the site and see the people with REAL ISSUES.
Get over yourself and get your shit together.
Geez, you're a douchebag.

Anonymous said...

What are your parents to fucking stupid to notice that that wasn't your video game system. I mean I already know you have an iq under 80 but I'm pretty sure your parents would notice like 5 or 6 gaming systems coming form your house you can't really get a nintento or dreamcast anywhere besides Play n Trade and ebay which i don't think you can figure out how to use. I passed calculus and I'm a film major, I suck at math. I am sure you can pass accounting.

Anonymous said...

Haha I couldn't help but laugh at this one as I looked to my left and saw a similar pile of games consoles(xbox 360, n64, gamecube, and ps3). You'd be surprised how many girls love them and want to play. Ever get head while playing Mario kart on n64.... yeah, you're jealous :)

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