Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Junk Yard Roommate

Dear Roommate,

Thanks for the unique opportunity to share an apartment with you. How could I imagine that all your stuff you first put down when we moved in, was really where you wanted it to be....

How could I also imagine that you would blame me for trying to have a clean/organized apartment? What was I thinking???

Besides that, I can only be happy when you point out to me that I didn't do *YOUR* dishes...shame on me, of course...


Anonymous said...

Not one, but TWO plastic jack-o-lantern thingies. be afraid..

Anonymous said...

holy shit an update

Mau said...

I should post a current picture...

Anonymous said...

I actually have sympathy for you. You really do have a dick roommate.

Ginamonster said...

My god. I have lived like this. My poor roommates...

Shravan Vijayaprasad said...

Hahaha.. Ot's happened with me a lot of times...Nice horrible pic...!!

Pls do visit my site(www.deliciousfingers.blogspot.com) and give a thumbs up like i did!! Thanks a lot!!

Little Pods Clothing said...

the roommate needs to move out.

Anonymous said...

pleeeasse update

Anonymous said...

Dear Roommate,
Once again you have blessed us with updates, only to go into hiding again. I know you left to go on vacation, and I know you gave up the page for lent, and during the month of February (since that is your peoples month). Yet you graced us with an update, only to go into hiding again. Finals are over, you don't have a girl, and you leave the room only to ball. I know you get a bajillion emails a day about dick roommates, so once again update this site. Stop being a dick and do your job.

Your Roomie

ps. We are out of milk can you get some

pps. clean up down theresss, I can make a wig with the amount of pubes you leave on the toilet

Anonymous said...

Sweet blog!
Thought you might want to put a contact me widget on your blog. So that I could contact you!
Contact Me Widget

jessica.celion said...

roommate sucks that's outrageous

jasmine celion

Anonymous said...

too bad this blog is dead. it was kinda funny when it was being update.

Anonymous said...

I just want you to know....I'm very disappointed in you young man

Anonymous said...

I've never hated someone I don't know so much in my life.

Anonymous said...

i have sent an email with a dick roommate like 5 month ago. that roommate has moved out since and was replaced by a really nice one. a shame that you didn't update as long as it was urgent.. and it was fun to see fresh updates once in a while. well, this is my last comment here as i will stop beating a dead horse.

Unknown said...

If you are having roommate problems then check out this mobile app to solve all your roommate problems. http://bit.ly/homesliceapp02

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